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Vad innebär egentligen kundnöjdhet i konsultbranschen?

Begreppet kundnöjdhet används flitigt i alla branscher, men inom konsultvärlden har det en särskild betydelse. Det handlar inte bara om att leverera det som förväntas eller att slutföra ett projekt i tid. I konsultbranschen är kundnöjdhet mer komplex och som i hög grad påverkar hur långsiktiga relationer byggs och upprätthålls. I denna artikel går vår egen Account Manager Maximilian Lajsic djupare in på vad kundnöjdhet egentligen innebär och varför det spelar en avgörande roll för att skapa förtroende och långvariga affärsrelationer.

The Future Is Here: When Human Meets AI

Humanity now faces a crucial juncture in which humanity and artificial intelligence (AI) meet in a way never before seen. It is about integrating the human heart while opening the doors for the full entry of AI.

Three tips - how to create a more learning and proactive organization

Creating a corporate culture that fosters learning and proactivity is critical to being competitive in today's fast-moving business world.

Retrospective - a winning method if you want to develop and become more profitable!

Retrospective is a powerful method that can be used both internally within teams and externally with clients to continuously develop, learn and increase profitability.

💡 9 out of 10 global managers believe that “soft skills” are more important than ever!

As organizations begin to understand the potential of AI, even the picture of its limitations is becoming clearer

Human Relations — The Foundation for a Successful Consulting Industry

In an era where AI is rapidly reshaping the job market, it's easy to wonder whether human relationships will play an equally important role in the future. We have interviewed Henrik Nordling, Co-founder at Goodfeed, about the future of the consulting industry.
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