Privacy Policy

Other people's use of your data

When you use Goodfeed, personal data about you is processed in the service. The personal data comes from you (contact details and your opinions), your employer (name, contact details, role and project) or your client (name, contact details, company and project). In the vast majority of cases, your employer/client is the data controller for the processing that takes place. Contact them if you would like to know more about how they process your personal data in connection with the service.

Goodfeed's use of your data

In connection with your use of the service, Goodfeed AB may also process the personal data collected through the service in its capacity as a data controller. For our own purposes, we process your data if it is necessary for us to administer the service, including billing (e.g. if you represent the company that is our customer). In such cases, we process your name and contact details as well as any correspondence between us. The data is collected from you or your employer. This is done with support in our legitimate interests.

We may also use information about you as a company representative for marketing purposes, in order to draw your attention to our service. We will then process your name, contact details and any correspondence. These are collected from you or public sources. This too is done with support in our legitimate interests.

Otherwise, we only process anonymous or statistical data. To the extent that the data is not anonymous, we will anonymize it before using it. We process the data in order to evaluate, develop and improve the service. Anonymization of the data is based on our legitimate interest.

If you would like to know more about how we balanced our interests against yours, please contact us.

Your data may be shared with our subcontractors, primarily platform providers and other providers who assist us with analysis, development and billing. We will only process your personal data within the EU/EEA.

You have the right to access the personal data we process about you and you can also have incorrect data corrected. In some cases, you also have the right to have data deleted. If you do not agree with our processing, you can object to it and you can ask us to restrict our processing while we investigate whether you are entitled to any of the above. Since in the vast majority of cases we only have anonymous data about you, as data controller, in most cases you will not be able to exercise any of these rights (as we cannot identify you). In some cases, you can then instead turn to your employer/employer and ask to exercise your rights (in relation to processing where they are data controllers).

If you want to exercise your rights or to know more about how we process your personal data as a data controller, please contact us at:

You also have the right to complain to the supervisory authority where you live, work or experience that an infringement has occurred. In Sweden, the supervisory authority is the Privacy Protection Agency (IMY).

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