Customer Stories

Success factors with Shomei

We have spoken with Helena Wittbom and Catharina Klingspor

Shomei is a creative communications house built around talents with diverse backgrounds and expertise who believe that communication is about one thing only: Ideas strong enough to be remembered.

Why is it important for you to focus on feedback and reflection?

Reflection and feedback conversations are a great opportunity to identify success factors and challenges in a collaboration — something that is necessary to align, consolidate and develop working practices and behaviors.

It also provides an opportunity to show each other appreciation, something that is easy to forget or de-prioritize among all that needs to be discussed in a project.

How does working with Goodfeed help you?

I think feedback breeds feedback. Working with feedback in a simple but structured form that Goodfeed offers makes it more natural to reflect on one's own and others' behaviors as well as their shared performance. And thanks to the fact that the dialogue is already underway through Goodfeed, it is not a big step to have a more vibrant and constructive dialogue in everyday life.

Goodfeed is a great forum for getting feedback from every single individual in an organization. It also helps teams collaborate better.

You find out what works well and what has potential for development, for example in a project.

All the evaluation meetings we have had have led to further discussions and it has been very good to sit down and reflect together.

Do you have any concrete tips for those who want to start working more structured with reflection to find their own success factors?

  • Set guidelines for how you should proceed.
  • Set goals - we use the results of Goodfeed in the analysis of employee and customer satisfaction.
  • Make sure someone is accountable and make sure it actually gets done.

We say thank you very much to Helena and Catharina for your time and for being true role models at Shomei!

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