Customer Stories

What we're making money on today isn't what we're making money on in 10 years

Good conversation isn't what business success is made of. But it's a great starting point. This certainly mirrors Hansen.

Sometimes the simplest insights are the most obvious; develop the relationships and the business will follow suit. It's that simple. The legal advice still has to be best-in-class, but for Hansen, it's a hygiene factor. At Hansen, it's all about the relationships and the conversations.

We have met Fredrik Granström - one of the founders of Hansen Law Firm.

You at Hansen usually say that you want to humanize business law - what do you mean then?

Our main task at Hansen is really to humanize business law. Both internally at the agency and out to the client. We try to build a safe place where employees can run quickly but also be allowed to recover. This is about so much more than the law. We therefore build Hansen on the basis of three main areas: law, business and human beings.

Our clients assume that we know the law, but here it is important to look at what we can offer beyond that. In fact, we can also constantly develop when it comes to the feeling of working with us at Hansen.

Because we are a transactional agency, many people have prejudices that it is hard, hardcore and macho culture that applies - but we try to refute that.

How have you guys done this?

Completely value-based - because our goal is really to humanize business law. Today, no one thinks like that. A central part of it is to provide room for development, to learn new legal skills and to ensure that this takes place in a soft format.Constant development of relationships is a feature of it.

When we have a good relationship with a client, we can get closer together, evaluate what works and doesn't, and have a dialogue together. When you do it right, we all show vulnerability, then we get away from being a provider and become a partner. That's how we want to work.

You come over and over again into the conversation between people and the importance of relationships. You also mentioned that you got the idea of the retro model from your clients - tell us more!

We didn't have a tool for evaluations of our assignments so we talked to our tech clients and they tipped us about retrospectives as a model. Constantly being in a feedback loop creates trust. Daring to show vulnerability creates connection. Connection creates trust.

Through retros we develop our own basic competence but also the individual ability to give each other feedback and the retro-evaluations make it possible to do so in groups.

You also mentioned that you got the idea of the retro model from your clients - tell us more! It is an art to constantly evolve and to learn from previous projects. What tips do you have here?

It is important to constantly work with leadership, work evidence-based and of course work actively in everyday life with this. It's basically about the human factor.

If you work on the same thing over and over again, you have to look at how you can do the same thing better than last time.

We at Hansen have a way of working to develop ourselves and listen to our clients - through this we become better and better at being sharp. By also making it traceable, we also speed up our own development.

Of course, there is also a value in just getting to the conversation itself - but we also see that there is a lot of action coming through the way we capture things on an ongoing basis today. It is concrete actions that emerge that make us sharper.

You have just turned 10 years old - what is your mission for Hansen for the next 10 years?

First of all, we want our employees to continue to thrive, develop and grow with us, while helping our clients to do really good and fun business.

And the dream is if we manage to inspire others in the industry to start thinking and doing as we do!

We say thank you very much to Fredrik for standing up and sharing your thoughts and your journey at Hansen! :)

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